Title: The Jared Padalecki Caricature (I know, my titles are amazingly creative!)
elethonielTime taken: The Pen drawing took about 2 hours, the pencil one about 3.
Media: blue ball point pen. HB lead pencil, colour pencils and a black pen to outline. All on plain printing paper.
Notes: Bahah. So this was done for a laugh. I started doodling on some paper late one night and the pen image is the result. I wanted to refine it a bit so I did a coloured one (plus I just love colouring in XD).
This was done entirely for fun. It's not supposed to be serious... although it is supposed to look like him, which it actually doesn't, hahaha. I'll stick to the day job, don't worry. Baha.
Here's the ball point one:
And the two of them together (I think they both look better in this pic, heh)
Haha, still can't believe I'm posting this. I'm kinda neurotic about what I let people see. Annnyway, I still need to do a fine art drawing of Jared. I think I'll save that for another day though.