(no subject)

May 10, 2015 23:54

Feeling pretty good and productive today. Didn't get to everything on the list but that's okay.

We accomplished, in no particular order:
- raisin cinnamon bread
- Starbucks Happy hour
- mouse trap and poison purchasing
- setting up traps and poison
- cleaning under stairs bc of mice. This meant removing everything, vacuuming and wiping, then putting it back.
- putting stuff back also allowed us to put more under the stairs, so other kitchen boxes and items went there (crockpot, toaster oven, etc). And it's nice and organized!
- stuff got sorted for goodwill, other stuff recycled and other stuff trashed.
- moved stuff for goodwill to a single pile that will hopefully get dropped off tomorrow before an appointment at 1230.
- Costco run, and groceries run.
- a nice afternoon nap.
- Sunny made homemade pizza. Delicious.
- dishes for handwashed.
- an AN email sent.
- Mother's Day phone calls
- visiting with neighbours
- assembling another fan for house use
- battery change in clock
- phone call with midwife to arrange things for tomorrow's appointment
- setting up a wire shelving system to help sort the piles of clothes on the closet shelf (sunnys side - too many bulky sweaters and stuff). Shelf will go up tomorrow.

I think that's it for now. I'm hoping being so busy brings on labour!

Tomorrow is going to be busy, too:
- goodwill trip (requires loading car)
- appointment at 1230
- picking up mom at airport
- booking flights and hotels for weddings
- AN judges emails
- closet organizing thing for sweaters and pants

to do

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