I'm feeling kind of off-kilter today, so I figure it's high time I got back into my Grateful 5 habit, and maybe add an "I did" list to remind me that Yes, I Do Get Stuff Done Sometimes.
1. Dinner with the lovely
hasfartogo. She's making yummy gluten free meals and they've all been scrumptious. It gets me out and social, and we watch some cheesy movies or anime and chat and it's all good.
2. Clinic went well this morning. I'm kind of glad I have the first patient as I don't get as far behind.
3. Cambodiana Restaurant right across the street from the hospital. YUM.
4. Free lunch today! I'd already bought and eaten my meal from Cambodiana, but it was a union meeting so our coworkers went and brought back some juice boxes, cookies and sandwiches. I packed some up for tomorrow.
5. Ride home from H's place. Snowing and so the car was nice and I didn't have to wait outside for the bus.
- free books from H! Just have to find book one, but I think I saw it at the library during their book sale. Will check tomorrow after work.
- being able to go to bed 'early' at about 10pm when I finish this
- that my phone battery didn't die during the day as I forgot my charge cord here at the house (just meant I used it less)
I Did
emailed convention head of programming a request
RSVP'd to a dinner for appropriate head count purposes
finished a book and returned it to the library
went through the rest of another and decided it can be returned tomorrow
found the scribbler with notes for AN stuff that I was looking for
watched a movie and 2 episodes of anime (Girls and Panzer and Stella Women's Academy)
fairly productive at work given that I didn't have much actual 'admin' time
decided on a course of action for something that I will inform the necessary person of tomorrow
entered contests this morning while I ate breakfast (no wins yet)
posted a rideshare ad for this weekend
quick look at IG for mod duties