Christmas and Birthday presents

Jan 31, 2015 17:49

I haven't yet posted about my Christmas and birthday presents, so here I am rectifying it.

For Christmas I got loads of chocolate from school and Brownies; we are only just finishing it. My big present was a navy suit for smart Guide occasions. I also got lots of Dr Who baking stuff (covering two of my interests), Bicardi and cans of coke, an owl bag, a knitted mobious strip, and calendars (one of which features butterfly photos by my friend Francis)

For my birthday, I got the big present of a Kindle Fire HDX tablet. I can now surf the net in bed and have recently hacked it so I can download android apps. My friends gave me a voucher so I have bought a case for it.

I also got a stick!

It is actually a cache and came with a very helpful book.

Once I have downloaded the appropriate apps onto my tablet, then I will be off. And as per the suggestion, I may do something with my Brownies in the summer.

tablet, birthday, doctor who, christmas

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