Holiday update 1

Aug 09, 2011 11:11

Right; with LJ being so flaky, I haven't managed my daily updates like the last couple of years.

So, here is the condensed version. First with the last couple of days at school.

After making a Greek outfit five years ago for Greek day (back when it was in year 3), I finally got to wear it again as Greek day is now in year 5.

Outfit available for anyone to borrow.

On to the last day of term and we said good bye to a number of staff, including one of the school secretaries who helped me a lot with the choir. She gave me a present; my own conducting baton!!!!

When the choir sang in assembly, I used it to tap on the music stand.

The teacher I have worked with for the last year was also leaving, so I got her a present I knew she would appreciate. A t-shirt saying "Han shot first".

Then I was straight off to camp with the Brownies.

choir, holiday, school, work

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