May 11, 2008 11:44
Had about 80 in the audience to start with. It dwindled a bit. I heard that one lady with children had turned up expecting to see HMS Pinafore and so demanded her money back. What is strange is that she had pre-bought the tickets and the show is printed on them, so how did she not notice?
Singing went well. One guy fell off the stage exiting after The Mikado and banged his head quite hard. He recovered and was soon back on stage to finish the show.
Afterwards, we had the party, with far too much food. We all bring something to add and there is always food left over. You would think people would work it out by now and bring less in the first place. I did a cake; will post picture later.
The MD still had his long hair, but wouldn't let me take a picture of him :(
(EDIT: just found some pictures on him online. Unfortunately, they are from 2005)
Got home at about 12.30am. Have got the County Banner Service today, when the banner I helped stitch will be dedicated.
gilbert and sullivan