the one perfect for me

Jan 01, 2011 20:55

Hello 2011!

I have the New Year's story to beat all others (at least from the 2010 collection) (also, that's not true, but it's a testament to how boring my life tends to be). I had to work the 31st, and it's always a crapshoot as to whether or not I'll make it out of the airport. Airline crew scheduling is incredibly complicated, but one facet of that is that when I finish a scheduled trip (anywhere from one to six days), I have to call our scheduling department to get released from duty. It's always tense around the holidays when we have to do that because they can take away our days off and really screw us over. Anyway, for about the past five years, friends of mine in north Georgia have hosted a large group of current and former summer camp counselors for New Year's Eve. I was supposed to land at 9:35 NYE, and since it was a 10 hour duty day, I was crossing my fingers that scheduling would allow me to leave. (UGH, see how long ONE LITTLE STORY takes?! SO. MUCH. EXPLANATION.) When I called, the scheduler asked me to sit on-call for one more hour, until 11. It takes just over an hour from the airport to their house, so I was sweating it out.

The very kind scheduler I spoke to that night released me earlier than she should have, and I jumped on the crew bus to get to my car. I pushed the speed limit the entire way. I ran a red light and three stop signs (it would have been four, but I got stuck behind another car). I was on my phone with my mother at one point, literally yelling, "WHY ARE STOP SIGNS."

I pulled into the driveway at 12:02. They were watching for me, and a friend ran out of the house before the car was even in park, yelling old camp nicknames and waving his red solo cup of champagne around. "WE TIVO'D IT FOR YOU!!!" he informed me. So here I am, in full flight attendant uniform, heels and neck scarf in all, tearing in the front door, grabbing a cup of champagne, and watching a three-minute old broadcast of the Times Square ball and Atlanta's peach drop on midnight. One girl was incredibly confused as to why we had watched the ball drop twice.

My exciting New Year's aside, 2010 was a pretty good year. Actually, it was quite excellent. Highlights include:

1. Falling in love with Empires. I saw them three times in 2010, once in Chicago, once in Baltimore, and once in Athens (the night that Tom and I awkwardly bonded over being road warriors). (Thank you, flight benefits and cheap rental cars!)
2. I WENT TO NEW ZEALAND. I still kind of can't quite believe that that fact is true.
3. Best friend visiting from England (and she's having a baby in five weeks!!).
4. ETA: Turning 25 AND getting the announcement that my company is getting bought out by an awesome airline.
5. My sister getting married! (And I subsequently got my very first ever case of food poisoning.)
6. Moving into my own place, with a real lease and everything.
7. Adopting my new kitty, who was abandoned at about four weeks and is now the best cat in the entire world, omg.
8. Also falling in love with Darren Criss, along with the rest of the internet.

A good way to begin and close out the year, I think. I am (slightly) fatter and a lot happier and no richer than I was in 2009, but it was an awesome year none the less.

This year, I resolve to be happier. I resolve to never be ashamed of what I love. I resolve to be a better friend. In the same vein, I would like to get to know you all a lot better. You're all awesome and I am a weird stalker most of the time, so this year I am going to try to not be so much with the stalking.

Happy New Year, and may your 2011 be as wonderful as you hope it will be. ♥ ♥ ♥
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