Reading week

May 05, 2011 21:53

Friday night I drove down to UDel with Jing, and we crashed the UDel dance.  It was a lot of fun, and one of those dances where I feel like I'm a good dancer.  Which had been happening pretty often since DCLX... though this Tuesday was terrible.  Anyway.  Got to hang out with two of my favorite UDel leads.  Had to spell it out for pretty much the only time ever - but chatted with Jing about the difference between my dance-crushes and my crush-crushes.  I can be madly in love with someone for three minutes, but it's about the music, and his lead, and what I can do with the space he's given me.  It's not necessarily him as a person - he can be awkward as anything, or cocky, or whatever - but for those three minutes, it's brilliant.  The world's come together, and I understand how each of the pieces fit into the puzzle.  In real life?  I don't have those moments with boys - where I completely understand what, and why, and how it all goes together - and I guess it's when I hang onto the feelings of those fantastic dances that I step into crush-crush territory.  And honestly, it doesn't work, because I don't tend to talk to them.  I've started to chat with a few of my favorite leads (and Dave and Sloan, but at this point they don't count, for different reasons) and it's nice to see how friendships can develop.  Whether Allison will ever (cough successfully cough) initiate a relationship out of dancing is still tbd.

Monday night I had a banquet with the art department.  Amusing pictures, and really really good food.  Ashley and I taught our last swing lesson - worked on steals, which I don't know much about, but have a lot of fun with.  Our speakers are MIA, our space was taken by the athletics banquet... all sorts of drama.  But our t-shirts came!  Now people can start paying me back and my bank account may stop crying!

LaB Tuesday - Cori's group of friends came over from Temple; very few of them could dance, but they had fun.  I don't know - I was out of it.  This whole graduation thing is kicking me in the face, and I don't know how to react.  But I started to feel the music (it helped that it was blues) more after gelato, just about in time to be dragged out by my chickadees, who were tired.  Figures.

Went to the Engin banquet on Wednesday, got a lot of "oh, wait, you're an engineeeer?!" from the underclassmen that I knew, and got to chat with the Engin seniors - who are all freaking out about their huge projects that are due tomorrow.

Thursday I went into the city and wandered around with Cori - the least stressed out I've ever seen my little sister, EVER.  I got a call from Sirkka - evidently we may be in business for the apartment we want after all?  W & AC broke up/are taking a break, so... we may have W as our fourth person.  Unless they get back together?  Or AC ends up in the city anyway?  DRAMA. - anyway, Cori & I went thrifting.  $25 later, I'm the proud owner of a sweatervest, three dresses, six nice work-shirts, and four skirts.  We got crepes and I came back to Swat in time for two more of my senior art major's shows.  Jia did fashion, and she had models on a runway.  It was... fierce.

Planning/getting all the details together for the swing dance I'm hosting tomorrow night.

To-do list:

Student Teaching Portfolio

  • 2 student narratives  one more

  • revisit research proposal

  • edit overall student teaching reflection

  • separate science and historical fiction units into lessons; reflect on those lessons, tie reflections to type of lesson

  • tie professional knowledge to science unit

  • scan in assessments and evaluate their accuracy (science, math, reading/literacy)

  • upload more student work

Education/Student Teaching Terminology final (Saturday)
Education/Student Teaching Exam Oral (Monday)
Special Ed (no I'm not taking the class, but I need to do all the readings and come up with a paper by... Wed, perhaps?)

... also, more boys should write letters.  and enclose tea.  and allude to the fact that there was random dressing-up-in-drag and doing on the spot choreography to terrible pop songs.  and write to me as Angel rather than Allison -- inside joke, but still.  (I miss Amvil.) 

amvil, swing, letters, engin, lindy, lab, philosophical, blues, shirts, thrifting, udel, art, dance, art show, banquet

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