give us days to be filled with small rebellions

Oct 25, 2010 11:06

sitting here, sipping tea, trying to figure out what I have to get done this week.  it doesn't look terrible, as far as the workload goes (which is nice, since I goofed off all weekend) - but I have to figure out how I'm getting home for Emily's mom's funeral.  we'll see.

Blues muse was fantastic.  I got a little irritated at Dinah and Glenn - because we paid for this, and we got funding for it, and suddenly they couldn't make various parts of it - but Ashley was, as always, my navigator and that person who I hang out with til all hours of the night.  Friday and Saturday it was at the German society (where, I realized, I had seen Woyzeck sophomore fall).  Beautiful building.  high ceilings, Beauty & the Beast library-esque windows, the slipperiest floor I've ever gotten to dance on... amazing.

Friday night Ashley and I got there around 9, chatted with various people before the dance even started.  Ashley convinced me it was a good idea to sign up for the Jack and Jill.  And while I was clearly the weakest link and kind of felt sorry for the leads who dances with me, it was so much fun - leads showing off, letting me (attempt to) show off... great fun.  We stayed til 2 or so, got back to campus at 3.

Saturday we got in for auditions at about 11:30; all 4 of us ended up in the Disney princess (beginner/intermediate) track.  They came around while we were dancing and stuck us with stickers - I got Jasmine :) - and then started classes at 12:30.  Ran til 7, went home for dinner, came back for the dance at 9.  Stayed til 1, for the finals of the Jack and Jill, which was brilliant and theatrical.

Sunday was more classes, this time at U Penn.  due to following a trolley in on the Baltimore Pike and failing at finding parking, we ended up missing the first class, which was sad.  But we got the rest of them for the day, and it was great.  I don't know - blues is a lot of improv, and I joke that it's lindy, minus footwork, plus slink.  But the classes that we had really got into the communication between lead and follow, and how the lead/follow barrier can break down if the follow wants to lead something for a moment.  If that kills the connection, it's bad following, but if it works within the connection, you're a ninja.  (There were a couple great examples with Jon & Carsie, where Carsie suggested things and Jon picked up on them and then remarked "look at that cool thing I just did!" and everyone laughed.)  And we got a lecture on the difference between sexy and sexual.  Which made me smile.  Ashley and I stayed for a bit of the dance, where we were both loopy, which made me improv more and her to improv randomly - but we were back on campus before midnight.
I thoroughly enjoyed myself.  Now, back to the real world, and all that work that I didn't do this weekend :)

EDIT:  AHHHH the next deadline for my TFA application is WHEN?  Oh, goodie.  Time to whip up a resume and hope I make it good.  (It's due Wed, btw.  eep.)

jack & jill, disney, blues, dancing, ninja, philly

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