Nov 25, 2009 02:29
So there was a swim meet (Ursinus was late. Casmera: 'Where is Ursinus?' Me: 'point to my forehead'), which we evidently ended up losing, though it was close. my 1000 went out fast and dropped about 10 s for this season, 200 dropped a second for this season. 3rd for both, I believe.
And then there was a midterm, which I'm cautiously optimistic about. Though units became an issue - I don't remember what units for pretty much anything are - but I did understand the formulas and I did not freak out.
And dancing <3. It was so good to get to see Laura, Sam, Strudle, Dave, & Sloan. Wish I could hang out for longer with them (and probably end up in a snugglefest on someone's floor, nearly falling asleep) but it was good to get my Thanksgiving Posfe fix. I want time to talk to everyone, to make sure they're doing ok and enjoying themselves... and I didn't have as much of that as I'd like, though it'll happen eventually, I hope.
And I dragged Logan up after the exam with me, so she stopped obsessing over it and had fun, and Ashley and her roommate came along and had a blast. Greg didn't make it because he's ill; Wes almost came along, but decided to actually get work done. Which is probably a good idea, but he's fun to dance with. My two groups meshed really nicely. Ashley has the kind of wacky humor that works with Posfe pretty well, and Logan chatted with the junior girls... it just was the most unawkward dragging-newbies-along LaB that I've been to in a while. Also, I am determined that Glenn and Sloan need to meet each other, though they would probably then find some way to either rule or destroy the universe. (Glenn's been trying more and more crazy stuff - we tried a couple of aerials on Monday when I stopped by. Which worked, though if I attempt to actually stand on his leg, we both end up on the floor. And Ashley's been bringing back snippets of Sloan's dancing for Glenn to play with the past couple of weeks. If Glenn kills someone doing the death-drop incorrectly, it will be because I did not introduce them sooner.) They played a little less Lindy than I'd like, but it was fun to dance with everyone - lead and follow - and find random strangers that I hadn't danced with before, some of whom were really nice -- Dana, for example, who seems to be one of Zebi's good friends... -- and got a couple of really good dances in with leads that I admire. A great blues with Bruce, a pretty good slow Lindy with one of the U. Delaware Mikes.
The cute U. Delaware boy was not there tonight. Sad and tragic.
However, so I pull the car into the parking lot (with the gas level only a couple of notches above empty, which I probably should apologize for) and see drunken swimmers in the mini-parking lot. Drunken swimmers, who, very loudly, let me know that they're going into Philly to get cheesesteaks, and insist that I accompany them. I'm starting to hit tired; it's been a long day, so I decline. But evidently they're in Philly now, enjoying... an early breakfast? (They got someone sober to drive them in... but still!)
200 free,
swim meet,