Sep 05, 2009 02:52
Well, my Doomy Box exploded on Thursday: missed most of swim practice (the one thing that can always ameliorate worry) because I was at E59 lab. The prof decided that we had to graph our data by hand, and we ended up sitting in Hicks for 3 hours graphing, measuring the modulous of Elasticity (the slope), regraphing, remeasuring. It was spectacularly frustrating.
This was, of course, only part of the E59 homework I had to get done; the other part was reading 2 books and summarizing them, in paper form. So I had to write 4 pages - and though the class is only 6 students, he didn't tell us where to find the books and only had one copy available - of course, someone would have the books the night before it was due!
I ran off from the science library when it couldn't be found, and went to a minicontra. The folk dance club didn't have a normal meeting but instead three students picked up violins and they played contras for us. Only able to stay for 2 - though I got to be the girl for both! and there were almost even numbers of guys and girls! - then off to my library shift. Was nice and calm, so went back to the science library, where I worked on the paper for 4-5 hours. Meh. I've remembered how to get things done, but not how to get them done super-fast. Granted, the books were dull as anything.
So on less-than-usual sleep, I made it through classes today, advertised the swimmer party in Sharples by use of lots of exposed flesh (no bikini for me this year, but none of the boys were wearing shirts, and the speedoes don't quite count as pants), and went to SCF. It was really friendly, as always, and I had a couple of good conversations. And then a scavenger hunt! I like the idea of doing 'take a photograph of ninjas' as a scavenger hunt necessity.
Anyway. The last 5-6 hours of my life have been devoted to this swimmer party. I was proud of myself - I stayed all night. This meant I got to see the perfect moment where the dance floor changes from the low-energy, awkward shuffling of too few people in too big a space, to the high-energy (possibly slightly inebriated) rhythm and motion of a dance. It was fun to watch.
I danced a lot - some with the freshies (one of whom asked me if I did salsa, and I tried to rope into swing) - some with upperclassmen not on the swim team - some with the swim team upperclassmen (it has been determined that I can 'drop it like its hot'. Henry won five bucks from Anne on that one).
I'd say the most interesting part of the evening was watching Muffin become progressively drunker and progressively more likely to tell me how amazing I was. Evidently I am Mary Poppins, 'practically perfect in every way', and he's not positive that he could possibly swim distance with us (the awe, and shinyness of the distance lane!), but wants to not die in his 200 fly. Good goal. But... yes. Jackie had to walk him home, and I'm pretty sure that the vomit outside was his. (The random-conversation-of-drunkenness was sweet, though.)