Apr 24, 2018 17:48

Here you can find some useful idioms and set expressions to describe your emotions in English.

I was embarrassed at his compliments = felt nervous, uncomfortable
And then, horror of horrors, I realized I was late for the interview = said when you are telling about an embarrassing situation
I was like a fish out of water = uncomfortable in a specific situation
Some of the questions were awkward = difficult to deal with
I cringed at the sight of my grandmother dancing = feel embarrassed
I was bewildered by the choice of dresses = confused and uncertain
I wanted to curl up and die when I said it = feel ashamed and sorry


I was surprised at his words = something happened that you didn’t expect
I was taken aback by her honesty = be shocked and surprised
I got the shock of my life = be very surprised
I was absolutely speechless = unable to speak because you are surprised, shocked
I stared goggle-eyed at him = with eyes wide open because of surprise
The loud noise made me jump out of my skin = be extremely surprised
I stared open-mouthed at the wave = with your mouth wide open because of surprise
I was flabbergasted at what she said = shocked by the unexpected


I was floating on air when I passed the exam = be very happy
I’ve been in seventh heaven since I met him = extremely happy
I was on cloud nine when he called = be happy and excited
I jumped for joy when I got the letter = be extremely happy
I’d be delighted to visit them = be pleased
I was as high as a kite when I passed the exams = very happy
I felt like a million dollars = feel good and strong
I felt over the moon = very happy
I feel like a queen returning from exile = feel confident because you are strong again
I feel on top of the world = extremely happy


I don’t feel in the mood for doing something = not to want to do something
I don’t feel like doing something = not to have a wish for doing something
It hurts my feelings = feel upset
A lump came into my throat / I had a huge lump in my throat = feel sad and ready to cry
I burst out crying = suddenly start crying
He touched a raw nerve when he said would live alone = upset someone
Seeing the children suffer really tears me apart = makes me unhappy
Just to turn the knife in the wound, he told me he saw my ex girlfriend with a new man = make someone who is upset, worried feel even worse
I felt defeated = devastated, miserable
Tears ran down my cheeks = start crying
It was a massive blow to me = unexpected event with a damaging effect


I called him names = to use rude words to describe someone
I insulted him = give offensive remarks
I took offence immediately = be upset or hurt because someone was rude or showed no respect
I lost my temper = suddenly become angry
I was furious / It infuriated me = extremely angry
It was my turn to see red = really angry
I was cross with him for not calling me = quite angry
“I hate you”, I muttered through clenched teeth = to hold teeth tightly in an angry way
I lost control of myself = showed bad behavior
I was like a bull in Chinatown = showed destructive behavior
He made my blood boil = make somebody very angry
I was sick and tired of = be annoyed because you have too much of something


I was scared stiff = very frightened
I went as white as a sheet / I was as white as a ghost = very scared
I was trembling = shake slightly because you are frightened
I am terrified of the dark = very frightened
For a second, my heart stood still = not beating because you are afraid
It seemed to me that my heart stopped beating = not beating because you are afraid
I took my courage in both hands = tried to control fear
It sent a chill down my spine / a cold shiver ran down my spine = make me scared
I felt hot under the collar = very anxious
It gave me the goose bumps = I am scared stiff
I am meeting my girlfriend’s parents and I have butterflies in my stomach = feeling frightened and nervous


I am busy as a bee = doing many things
I am up to my ears in work = have a lot of work
I felt run-down = tired and not healthy because of working too much
I am going grey - under a lot of pressure
I am worn out (with fatigue) = in bad condition
I felt weary after a long journey = tired esp. after working hard
I have to recuperate and recharge my batteries = to get back to strength, health


I grew bored of the countryside = unhappy because you have nothing to do
I feel I am stuck in rut = too fixed on something and needing change
I am completely brain-dead after school = mind is not effective because you are tired or bored
The film was as dull as ditchwater - very boring
This work is tedious and uninspiring = boring and not making you feel interested
She was making banal remarks all evening = boring, not original
Pop music is so bland - no having any strong character
Cleaning floors is a menial work = boring, makes you feel tired and is given low social value
The music was monotonous = not changing and boring

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