I'm back

Aug 07, 2007 19:23

*waves to all*

Well, I've been back for a while, but I've been a bit of a hermit - curled up in my bed, re-reading Harry Potter from beginning to end. I finished last night, and now my eyes are going to kill me ;-)

Trip to Scotland was great - weather could have been a bit better, but it was ok enough - and I'm glad I missed the heatwave we seem to have had back in Austria while we were gone.

Took tons of pictures (over 1000 *headdesk*), so now I've just started going through them and throughing the rubbish ones out. Various travel reports might follow + pictures.

Hope you've all had a good summer so far. Have I missed anything important/interesting/funny/etc? Link me :-)

traveling, rl

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