Jul 04, 2006 09:47
Wow, thunder at 9:45am. Very odd Oregon weather.
Edit 10:06am -- big strong thunder and lighting!!! VERY odd Oregon weather! The last one must have been very nearby, yikes!
I've even unplugged my computer and tv. Does anyone else do that during electrical storms? We used to live on Long Island, NY during the summer when I was a kid and there would be these HUGE lightening storms that terrified me. One instance of the tv going on by itself was all it took to scar me for life. Freaky. One time I was standing in the kitchen, we'd already lost power so it was dark. Suddenly a flash of lighting and the kitchen tap glowed blue for a second with this sizzle crackle noise. Eek!
Oh, now it's raining hard. Hopefully that means the end of the lighting. I miss weather like this though. Thunderstorms were so regular in Colorado during the summer. Here it seems like there is maybe one or two a year.