in New Orleans

May 18, 2007 01:43

Yay, New Orleans!

Aja and I spent all day Wednesday out exploring the French Quarter, and interviewing local residents for one of our two panel projects. Tons of fun and very enlightening. Today we stayed in the hotel room pretty much all day, Aja doing video and sound editing and me sleeping, and then working remotely. We did go down for the opening feast and had fun saying hi to several folks.

If you're at Phoenix Rising, find me in room 1801. I'm staying with bookshop, shaggirl, and pir8fancier. They're fantastic roomies, and it'll be hard to stop chatting long enough to sleep!

Saturday morning at 9 am, Aja and I are (with Cat, Tilly, and Henry Jenkins) having our slash panel, "Shipping the Velvet: Slash Fandom, Convergence, and Why You Should Care about HP MPreg." We aim for this panel not to rehash the same debates about why women slash or what it is exactly, but instead to examine slash as a legitimate literary genre with a unique place in a social and cultural context of convergence.

Saturday afternoon at 3 is the presentation of our citizen media project work, "Project Leve: The Fan as Citizen Journalist." We'll show some video from our fantastic interviews, and discussion will range from what we can learn from the interviews, to how we as fans can use our fandom-learned media skills in powerful ways outside our fan communities.

I'll also be at the slash meetup lunch Friday, the H/D meetup lunch Saturday, the "Fanfiction and Fan Participation" track on Sunday morning, and the Transformations keynote Saturday night at the Aquarium. I have a ticket for Storyville Friday night and will probably do some of that and some of the karaoke night slytherincess is organizing.

life, phoenix rising, hp

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