Stamped// Water Bodies Theme

Dec 27, 2010 15:06


Five unstamped applications you have voted on:
Voted on everyone that needs votes :)

Name: Esmeralda

Previously stamped as:
Regular: Pond
Mythological Creatures: Nymph
Mirror: Autumn
Landform: Coral Reef
Gods/Goddess: Atanua

Location: Denmark

Positive Traits: Passionate, romantic, dreamer and creative

Negative Traits: Emotional/sensitive, self-critical, insecure and stubborn

Pictures (URLs or thumbnails):


What colors do you think reflect your personality?:
A lot do, actually.
Yellow: I'm very optimistic and bubbly. My outlook on life is bright
Red: I'm very passionate
Pink: I'm an absolutely hopeless romantic
Green: I'm hopeful.
Lavender: for the more creative side of me,

Choose two words that appeal to you most:

[ ] Chaos
[ ] Color
[ ] Serene
[x] Adventure
[x] Brightness
[ ] Calm
[ ] Active
[ ] Tourism
[ ] Eccentric
[ ] Unpredictable

Post an image or the URL of your favorite photograph that involves water:

What is your favorite water-related activity?: Swimming, snorkeling and diving


What is a quote that describes your personality? Why?:
"I believe that dreams are more powerful than facts and that love is stronger than death."

Because I'm a huge dreamer and I believe that true love conquers all, even death.

Do you adapt well to change, or are your resistant?: I love changes

How would your family and friends describe you in one sentence?:
An animal-lover, friendly, passionate girl.

theme - water bodies - lake

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