Name: Sarah
Previously stamped as:
Regular: Winter
Landforms: Mountain
Animal: Eagle
Five unstamped applications you have voted on:
1) How do you deal with anger or aggression?: If it's trivial, I try to stay calm - telling myself to just rise above it usually helps me to walk away. But if it really gets under my skin, and I'm genuinely angry, my tongue gets ruthlessly sarcastic.
What physical environment do you enjoy the most?: Oddly enough, I'm going with two extremes. Very urban environments, like metropolitan cities, or very remote places like a snowy mountaintop or a desert at night.
What social situations do you feel that you thrive in?: Creative social situations, like when everyone is working on a project, or a conversation over coffee where many interesting opinions, experiences and ideas are thrown around.
What are your fears?: Failure, mediocrity, entrapment.
What makes you uncomfortable?: Insects, too many deadlines, monotony
When faced with a problem, what technique(s) do you use to solve it?: I usually first try to see it from as many different perspective as possible, to make sure it is most definately a problem and not just an inconvenience which may actually be an advantage. If a creative approach wouldn't work or an idea wouldn't dawn on me, I'd resort to intellect.
What irritates or annoys you?: Narrow-mindedness, duplicity, bratty children, jealous-natured people.
What relaxes you?: Books, art, movies, solitude, exercise, tea