Stamped: Mist // Mythological Creatures

Jul 07, 2010 21:24



Previously stamped as:
• Natural Wonders - Solar Eclipse
• Animal - Owl
• Underwater - Siren
• Colour - Charcoal
• Planets - Pluto
• Gods & Goddesses of The Elements - Frigg
• Western Zodiac - Scorpio
• Constellations - Orion (The Hunter)
• Tree - Willow
• Mirror Image of the Elements - Winter
• Continents - North America
• Weather Forecast - Snow
• Cloud - Altostratus
• Water Bodies - Ocean
• Landforms - Volcano
• Solar System - Asteriod
• Periodic Table - Flourine
• Herbs - Tarragon

Location: Nottingham

Positive Traits: Patient, imaginative, creative, inventive, laid-back, open-minded (to some extent), quiet, friendly, honest (sometimes),

Negative Traits: Stubborn, impatient, temperamental, pessimistic, negative, loud when hyper or provoked, judgemental, bossy, bitchy, picky.

Picture of yourself (URL or thumbnail):


Likes: Baroque and English Restoration eras, mythology, astrology (not horoscope), astronomy, the occult, the early 90’s and 80’s, tarot, crystals, candles

Dislikes:Crowded places, extremely hot weather, toilets, the music of today, cheep looking costumes and tacky Goth clothes.

Hobbies: Gardening, looking after animals, listening to music, playing Sims 2 (creating homes and places to visit the most, hair/clothes etc) watching my favourite programmes and movies. Collecting.

Favorite Place: I can’t think of one at this moment but it would be somewhere away from crowds and annoying people.


Briefly describe your personality:

This or That
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic
Shy or Social: Neither
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted
Idealistic or Realistic: Both
Dominant or Submissive: middle
Brave or Cautious: middle
Lover or Fighter: middle
Home or Adventure: middle
Knowledge or Strength: middle
Determined or Laid Back: middle

Are you more stationary or mobile?: I’m mobile in my stationary position

Do you adapt well to change, or are your resistant?: Depends on what it is, I can adapt and I can resist.


Choose one season:

[X] Autumn
[ ] Winter
[ ] Spring
[ ] Summer

What is your preferred environment and climate?: Warm with a cool breeze and semi cloudy skies, I hate it when the sun is too bright or hot. I really like warm night air, clear star lit skies and mild sunny days when it rains or snows at the same time or even thunder and lightning.

What element are you drawn to? Which one best represents you?: Water and Earth, they are what I am dominated by in my birth chart and it fits me very well

What kind of foods do you enjoy eating the most?: Anything fresh, tasty and full of goodness. I eat junk food but it is very limited.

How would you come to exist?: From a mysterious black cloud

Post an image of something fantasy-related

Post the links of the unstamped applications you voted for:

theme - myth creatures - siren

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