Jul 07, 2010 11:12


Name: Anna

Previously stamped as:
Sky: regular
fairy waether cumulus: clouds
orange: color
cat: animal
fox: constallation
tiger eye: gemstone
atanua: god&goddess
Earth: Planet
comet: solar system
Libra: Zodiac
Drought: natural disaster
sunflower flower
horse: animal
nereid: underwater
bird of paradise: flower II

Location: Italy

Positive Traits:?I'm honest, caring, adventurous, lazy and very pessimistic.I'm a very loyal person and I would never betray my friends/my family. I don't trust people easily because I have been betrayed many times in the past and my trust has been broken many, many times, but once I trust a person I stand by them even when the whole world goes against them

Negative Traits:?I try to be optimistic, but my natural cynicism and pessimistic always seems to make an appearance. I always think that If something can go wrong it will go wrong and at the most inopportune time ( at the worst possible time!).Extremely impulsive as I am I always act and then think. I really rush into things without thinking and get into trouble for it.I am sarcastic, especially when I am angry and especially around my friends. I know sometimes I'm overly sarcastic and I make jokes when I probably shouldn't.

Describe your personality (You can also include Myers-Briggs, iPersonic types):

ENFPs are warm, enthusiastic people, typically very bright and full of potential. They live in the world of possibilities, and can become very passionate and excited about things. Their enthusiasm lends them the ability to inspire and motivate others, more so than we see in other types. They can talk their way in or out of anything. They love life, seeing it as a special gift, and strive to make the most out of it."

Picture of yourself (URL or thumbnail):


Likes:Animals, sleeping, coffee, manga, anime, books, reading, writings, my cat, nice people, my family, my friends, cakes, chocolate, orange,laughing, video games

Dislikes:Discrimination, being stressed, intolerance,being bothered, liars,close-minded people, waiting, slow internet connection,ignorance,being ignored,spiders,embarrassing situations, bugs

Hobbies: books, sports, music, movies, videogames

Favorite Place: I like the city I live in, is a nice city and people are usually really nice.


This or That

Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic
Shy or Social: Social
Introverted or Extroverted: Extoverted
Idealistic or Realistic: Realisric
Dominant or Submissive: dominant
Brave or Cautious: brave
Lover or Fighter: fighter
Home or Adventure: adventure
Knowledge or Strength: knowledge
Determined or Laid Back: determined


Choose one season:

[ ] Autumn
[ ] Winter
[ ] Spring
[x ] Summer

What element are you drawn to? Which one best represents you?: Fire because I'm passionate and I let my emotions guide me most of the time.

Post an image of something that you like:

Post the links five unstamped applications you voted for:

theme - emotions - curiosity

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