Apr 06, 2005 17:19
Right now I am at the red eye, waiting for a friend to show up. I just realized today that my last couple of updates seemed to not show up on the site. Suckiness. Oh well. Since the last update that actually went through:
Ben and I are no more. No surprise there.
I've been seeing this guy Caelum. Nothing serious at all. He's pretty cool and has a geeky sort of cuteness. Hes fun to hang around.
I've been working a lot at AE. More so than usual at the bar too.
I'm feeling conflicted about whether I want to go to Cali or not. It's a big decision, and I'm not sure I am really ready enough to move that far from home.
I'm considering taking this appartment above Bambi's. It's a really nice efficiency and only 150 a month plus electric.
Leigh Morgan adopted me as his drag daughter. Could be interesting to see if I can make it as a queen or not. He thinks I could be good, and he taught Britney everything she knows. Any ideas for a drag name?
Well thats all for now