One more election post.

Nov 05, 2008 21:49

Oh Indiana I'm so proud of you! First time since 1964! Give yourselves a cookie.

Kentucky, you are on notice. Shown up by North Carolina AND Virginia? For shame. The first state called for McCain? God. I need to move somewhere else.

It is really kind of spooky how closely Nate Silver predicted this election. Who knew math and stats could be so useful.

The Civil War is Over. Let Reconstruction Begin. Ok, I admit, this made a touch teary. Frankly today if I haven't been walking around smiling I've been walking around near tears. At least I know I'm not alone! We're all crazy together.

Also, California and all you other states that voted your anti-gay marriage amendments in are made of epic fail. You completely suck. But, I think history has shown, that these fights aren't fought on the ballot but in the courts so I have hope that eventually the right thing will be done. And if you think "oh well, it doesn't affect me because my right to marriage is secure"? Fuck you. If you don't care at all? If you just want to close your eyes and ignore it? What the hell is the matter with you?

Finally, there are people trying to harsh the squee of every one who voted for Obama and wanted this and, well, good luck with that. You can try but for all of us who have lived for 8 years with a president we do not like, do not trust, did not vote for, and do not respect it is amazing. It's so amazing I still can't properly put into words how joyful I am.

I am ready for a president I can respect and trust again. I am ready for a president the rest of the world trusts and respects because we cannot be a world power and be hated by every one else. I am ready for a president who is smarter than I am. I am ready to believe that my president will actually make smart decisions and ask smart questions and will not blindly follow what his advisors tell him but will also listen to those advisors when they are smarter than he is (I am not delusional. He doesn't have all the answers. I do trust that he'll surround himself with people as smart or smarter than he is).

Mostly I am just glad that for the first time in 8 years I am beyond ecstatic about the outcome of a Presidential election. I am looking forward to the next 4 years and actually doing something and getting things done.

Now I am so tired (I will have worked probably 50 hours by the end of the week and I work 6 hours on Saturday) and I don't want to work tomorrow. I am so behind on stuff I have to do but haven't had time to do because they fired new girl so I have to do her job (AGAIN) that I just don't want to contemplate it. They tell me I have to do this stuff but then they never give me the time or opportunity to do it. I'm hoping I'll actually get time to work on it tomorrow and on Friday I am telling every one to leave me alone so I can get it done. But I'm super tired right now and it's very likely I'll pass out in the middle of CSI: NY.


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