I have very fond memories of summers during college when I was living at home by myself because my mom was living with her boyfriend, my sister stayed at school during the summer, and my dad still lived at his other house. Those 2 summers were awesome because I lived alone and I didn't have to pay rent. Anyway, I spent my nights watching Mystery! and reading and they were just nice. I didn't have to work or worry about school.
I'm watching Persuasion and holy crap is Wentworth hot.
Like the way he just grabbed Anne's arm and picked her up and stuck her in the wagon? That's kind of hot. Yeah.
Her sister Mary is pretty annoying.
Louisa is dumb. Girl deserves to die for being dumb.
Dude, Cousin William is pretty hot too . . . uh, I think it's close to period time because . . . yeah.
Man. Anne's sisters suck. One's annoying and one's a bitch.
Jane Austen really did not think highly of British Society did she? Or I guess parts of it that were all about social status. Her dad is an ass. I don't like disliking Anthony Stewart Head.
Oh for pete's sake! KISS ALREADY! Thank you jesus. Dear god he is so hot. Is he hot on Spooks? Because, you know, I've always meant to watch more of that show.
New Mystery! this summer. ZOMG! I'm still so mad at the BBC for canceling Inspector Lynley. Bitches. They could at least do a tie up episode set, like, 2-3 years later where Havers and Lynley are totally accidentally living together. I say accidentally because I'm convinced that any relationship between the two would have to happen almost without them even realizing it was happening. And I still haven't seen the last Foyle's War that reportedly aired and NO ONE TALKED ABOUT IT. FAIL! I need to know if Sam forgave and married Andrew or if Sam said "pfft, the older model is the better model" and laid one on Foyle. What? It could so happen that way. And I forgot all about the new Sally Lockhart movie. You know, I know I read The Ruby in the Smoke but I can't remember if I read the rest of the trilogy.