To whom it may concern,
My name is Rosalina Nurumi; I am one of Libretto. I am sending you this message to ask for your help regarding the murder of Seth Nightlord. I understand that this is a Libretto problem as is Cain Knightlord. I am not asking that you stop or aid in the stopping of Cain. What I wish to to know is if there is any way to return Seth's life. She was but an innocent victim of this mad man and did not deserve to die. I know this is asking a lot but it'd be much appreciated if you could give me any information about reviving Seth if such a thing is possible.
Edited in after
this conversation.
Hello, my name is Rosalina Nurumi. I am one of the Libretto. I am sending you this message in regards to the murder of Seth Nightlord. I wish to know if there is any way to revive her as her death has caused quite a rage and panic amongst the Libretto. I know this is asking a lot, but any information would be greatly appreciated.