
May 22, 2010 20:55

Characters: Open (Tag yourself please)
Location: Deck 04, in front of Carnival, in the passenger hallways, and inside Carnival later.
Date: Present.
Rating: PG-13 for now, though assume Jennifer will get violent.

Once Rfena had informed the others of the plan, she had gone to the front of Carnival to wait for the people to assemble. The key players ( Read more... )

rfena, event, jinx, the rowan, vash the stampede, raoul de chagny, zeke, sabriel, ww!link, remy whitecastle, fight!, marco, open, ironhide

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MIND MERGE aprimemover May 23 2010, 05:32:37 UTC
"All right. We're starting." The Rowan laid back on her bed. It wasn't the neutral posture reclining couch of a Tower, built to her measure and packed with monitoring gear, but that was the least of the irregularities.

Reaching out to the other telepaths, she gathered them together, drawing Vanyel and Renna into the merge, and then using Vanyel's familiarity with Remy to bolster the telekinetic's mind. Since he had no telepathic gift, he wouldn't be able to feel it, but when he went to call on his abilities, he would find more strength than he would have on his own, drawing from the Rowan's Talent and Renna's latent skill.

The merge, three minds functioning as one, turned its attention to Jennifer, unmistakable as she broadcast her pain and fear to anyone with means to hear it, and gently, subtly, began to smooth away the suspicion it found there.


spock can go suck eggs argos_lost May 23 2010, 05:39:32 UTC
There was the sound of an air raid siren and a series of moments frozen in time. There was the feeling of her heart wrenching sideways in terror when that dreadful, moaning, droning siren began to wail and scream. How Jennifer hated how it echoed off the buildings. It turned London into a place for ghosts, and as she was hurried along by a hand gripping her wrist painfully tight, her eyes were already cast upward for the planes.

The planes.

They were coming.

She had to keep moving.

But what was this? ...

A soothing touch? Whose? It felt a little like Mother's. Jennifer drifted against a wall, and sniffled. Where was Mother? Where was George? There was such a crowd and she wasn't sure she was going to the right shelter...


My mind...to your mind... aprimemover May 23 2010, 05:48:06 UTC
The merge pointed the proper direction to draw Jennifer toward the trap, a cautious suggestion, merely an impulse that this way was better than any other.

This way, Jennifer. This way to safety.

The Rowan ruthlessly quashed a stab of guilt--she wasn't sure if it was hers or came from one of the others. If the girl couldn't be healed, she must at least be prevented from causing more harm.

"She's moving," one of them said into the comms. It didn't matter which. Their will was one.


my sequels... to your sequels... argos_lost May 23 2010, 05:54:26 UTC
That way?

Was that the way?

No, she couldn't go without George. He'd be ever so frightened, and when the streets were bombed he might not find his way home again.

"George," she whimpered, closing her eyes and walking forward, following the feeling. "Georgey, porgey, pudding and pie. Here, boy. Mind me now..."


ttlynotawizard May 23 2010, 06:08:00 UTC
[Remy had gone out into the halls the moment the signal had come over the comms. He knew Rowan would lead Jennifer to him. The only thing he was concerned about was the quality of the illusion. Dr. Facilier didn't exactly seem like the most trustworthy of people.

He'd gone over the plan a million times in his head. He was ready. He breathed deeply as he heard the sound of a girl calling for George.

Here, Jenn! Georgie's over here. Good girl. Come along now.]


argos_lost May 23 2010, 06:25:08 UTC
"There you are, Georgi--no, are you George?" said Jennifer, her voice confused. The fog around her swirled and she wiped at her tear-filled eyes. "Georgey porgie, pudding and pie. No time for chitchat now, we mustn't be late to the shelter. Come along now."

It was important to get into the shelter. The shelter was terrifying and things happened in there--

Jennifer clapped her hand over her mouth before much of a scream escaped, and the sound of planes whispered through the fog.

Sometimes in the shelter a tall man, an evil-looking man, watched you in the darkness. He looked like one of those curious little gods in the National Geographic pictures. One of those pagan gods. An evil god with burning eyes.

Watching you while the planes overhead screamed.

Jennifer thought of one of those evil god statues, the kind the pagans had to feed or else they'd be cursed.

How did one get down in the shelter?

Why was that man watching her? Why wouldn't he stop that noise coming from over there ( ... )


ttlynotawizard May 23 2010, 06:33:27 UTC
[Remy steeled himself as he approached. Sure, she was a little girl. A scared little girl who didn't know where she was or what was going on, but she'd caused all this trouble. She was the source and she had to be contained. Some people would forget that. Not Remy. To do the sorts of things Remy was capable of, ready to do and had done in his life, you had to forget things like compassion. This counted as one of the very few times he was grateful for his upbringing. She wanted to go to the shelter? Georgey would take her to the damn shelter. He stops well within her reach.

Pet the puppy, Jenn. Pet the puppy and we'll go to the shelter.]


that is the cutest dog ever argos_lost May 23 2010, 06:36:05 UTC
She tried not to cry. She had to keep calm and carry on like the posters said. She had to keep a stiff upper lip.

Her lips trembled.

"George," she whimpered and reached out to pet him.


My mom had a dog like it named Tippy. ttlynotawizard May 23 2010, 06:44:52 UTC
[Four seconds, that's what Remy had mentally alloted himself.

Second one is spent letting Jennifer get close and touch him. Show he was no threat.

Second two his mind sees only the Carnival, only sees himself and Jen inside that horrible place.

Second three the image is real, they are there, as if they'd always been there and he takes one step back. Remy envisions himself outside.

Second four where there was Georgey, there is nothing. Outside, there's Remy.]

She's in!


PILE AGAINST THE DOOR TAG HERE ...Baww. lfetimewarranty May 23 2010, 06:50:19 UTC
[Rfena's reaction is instantaneous, shouting as loud as her vocal processors will let her.]

Up against the doors! We can't let her get out!

[Hopefully she won't try, and, belatedly, Rfena hopes Vash is okay.]


Re: PILE AGAINST THE DOOR TAG HERE ...Baww. standardpackage May 23 2010, 06:54:37 UTC
[Jinx's first reaction at Rfena's command is 'hot girl yelling at me'. Then he throws himself against the door as hard as he can. He finds a good stance for maximum grip then keeps a steady force on the door.]

No way in hell I'm lettin' ya' out, ya little fucker.


heavyweaponsbot May 23 2010, 06:59:53 UTC
[He reacts the moment the first sentence finishes. Ironhide snarls, and shoves all his five tons of weight against the doors. His joints lock, setting him in place like a massive, armored doorstop.]


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heavyweaponsbot May 23 2010, 08:02:59 UTC
[When the doors start banging around, Ironhide snarls again, shoving harder. He glances at the woman, his good optic narrowing. Using his best impression of a drill-sargeant, he snaps at her.]

Put your scrawny organic shoulder into it, or get away!


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heavyweaponsbot May 23 2010, 08:57:31 UTC
[He quirks an optic ridge at her, and then snorts. This human has a spine.]


[A nod, and then, he shuts up, concentrating on bracing the doors, while he lets her do her thing.]


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