electric lights, machinery! oh, the electricity!

Apr 13, 2010 00:09

Characters: Sulphur, the Adventure Group (tag yourselves, please)
Location: From Deck 12 to Spectacular^2
Date: Backdated to late last night.
Rating: Blanket PG-13 for language

Sulphur is nowhere close to being a naturally born (engineered?) leader. Yes, she is a brat, and yes, she will shove people around and bitch to get her way, but she's definitely not the type to organize and command groups in some semblance of an efficient manner. The only thing pushing her to do all of this is the sheer, stubborn want to prove that she can.

So, after Marco had handed off the small two-faced coin to her, she'd closed it in her palm, took a deep breath, and attempted to tuck away all her fear and cowardice into some little locked box in the back of her head.

"I'm going to the theater," she announces to the group, exiting the room, navigating herself over the luggage, and heading into the elevator. The group's welcome to accompany her, but she's rushing because she doesn't want to allow anyone the time to talk her out of this.

[[ooc; this is a continuation of last night's log on deck 12. if your character is present and would like to accompany Sulphur to the theater, this would be the place to do it! if your character was not present, feel free to have them come across the group in one way or another.

if you were not present for this log itself, feel free to backdate/assume your character tagged along. ♥]]

rfena, lilith, gideon, jinx, sulphur, toph, jack, mordecai, gippal, xanth, raoul de chagny, gavin, sokka, marco, tyler

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