Apr 12, 2010 00:01

Characters: Razer, TAG YOURSELVES, [OPEN]
Location: From Nirvana to Deck 12, into room 1363
Date: DIRECTLY following this log.
Rating: PG-13

Razer was out of Nirvana and on his way to Deck 12 as soon as he knew that was where they were expected to go. This wild ducoose chase had gone on quite long enough, and while he was certain he wasn't the only one that wanted it over with, he was equally certain he was the only one who would just do something about it without spending an hour or a day weighing the pros and cons.

That was how it seemed to go thus far, he wasn't just thinking too highly of himself. (Not that he wasn't rather infamous for that as well.)

Into the elevator, he mashed the button to take him to the proper deck. If anyone else wanted to go, they'd have to follow him.

gideon, gavin voelker, jinx, sulphur, toph, xanth, raoul de chagny, razer, sokka, open, marco

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