(no subject)

Apr 04, 2010 03:27

Characters: Leo and Herz, DUH
When: Tonight
Where: Herz's Room
Warnings: Remembering possibly graphic stuff.

[After spending two hours doing nothing but sitting at one of his kitchen counters, reading Hamlet, Herz has decided to call it a night. Or, at least, to go do something else, somewhere else for a while. His sleep schedule is still screwy enough that he's not actually tired as of yet.

First thing first, Herz heads back to his room to see if there's anything to entertain him there. He's got Ruth's sheet completely built now, so he can't work on that...

But he can work on her story. Maybe. He'll just have to see if he's in a writing mood tonight. With a pencil tucked behind one ear, he rummages through the mess of his room until he finds the right notebook, clears a space on his bed, and sits down to try and create.]

leonardo, herz hessian

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