Give back that red suit, Bass. You are not Santa. It doesn't even fit.

Mar 31, 2010 21:32

Characters: a brick Jak (shadesofeco) and a duck Bass (erhabenheit) [closed]
Location: Deck 15, caves
Date: present
Rating: PG for naughty words and violence

Jak was angry.

This wasn't exactly an unusual state of emotions for him, but this time he was livid.  Not only had he been tricked, but the person who pulled the prank had killed his father.

Though Damas's death came at the hands of Xamira and her curses, it was all the same to Jak.  Bass had been there, Bass had thrown Phoenix and Damas to the bears, Bass was responsible.

Jak had left people for dead countless numbers of times.  In wartime, sometimes you just didn't have time to stop for wounded civvies, expendible Resistance fighters or injured Wastelanders.  And as far as Jak was concerned, his own revenge came first and he didn't have the time nor inclination to stop for anyone who wouldn't be of assistance towards that goal.  Leaving Krew to die at the hands of his own bomb though, that was intentional.  Could he have saved him?  Possibly.  Probably.  Did he feel remorseful?  Not in the slightest.

And yet it was completely different when it was his family who had been walked away from.  His family who had been left to rot.  His family who was the casualty unimportant enough to walk away from.

Clenching his fists and grinding his teeth, he paced back and forth across the damp rock.  If Bass didn't show, Jak would just go and hunt him down.

But in the meantime, he waited.

bass, jak

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