All We Need are Wide Open Spaces

Feb 05, 2010 13:58

Characters: Donatello (tic_tech_turtle) and [OPEN]
Location: Deck 13 where the wildflowers are. Likely moving to the temple or back onto the boat  because slight agoraphobia sucks.
Date: Present, early afternoon on Friday
Rating: G for now? Will change if necessary.

The second Doantello stepped foot on deck thirteen he froze. There was sky - sky - above his head, and he wasn't even going to mention the ice. Of course he'd been prepared for this, in a way, but that didn't change the fact that there was sky on a boat and he couldn't even be sure if it was a hologram or illusion. And not only that, but it was large. It was large and open and bright and wrong, and completely, undeniably, not his element.

It was terrifying.

Donatello had to fight himself to keep from bolting back to the rest of the ship. No, he told himself firmly, locking his knees and trying to slow his heart rate and his panic-quick breathing. No, he'd come for a reason. There was nothing to be afraid of here. There wasn't. It was only a field. A field full of interesting new things to discover - that had to be discovered - and that was all.

Taking several deep breaths, Donatello shakily crouched down (near the stairs and safety) to examine a flower with a bit more intensity than was strictly required, occasionally glancing up at the unfamiliar rustle of vegetation.


endrance, donatello, torn, herz

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