Oh god, I'm so behind

Jan 29, 2010 01:19

Characters: Endrance (unfrozenrose) and Haseo (ineptrogue)
Location: Deck 13
Date: Backdated to sometime last week, during the punishments (we're slow okay? really really slow. But this time it's my fault xD)
Rating: Probably not over PG, depending on how you rate language

Well. At least he knew where he was this time. And his room had been freaking him out lately. Things kept changing into other, less pleasant things. He could swear his bed tried to eat him. Never mind how difficult it became just finding his room sometimes. And that sound kept him awake. He kept thinking he’d heard it whenever AIDA showed up, so... Maybe it was a good thing he’d heard it there. Maybe. He might’ve just snapped after that little adventure into the lower decks.

...Anyway. It wasn’t like a field of flowers would turn into anything creepy. And AIDA wouldn’t start bubbling up, hopefully. He might be able to get away with relaxing there for awhile, just to calm his nerves before losing his way back again. He wondered what the odds were of finding himself in the wrong room (a thought that pissed him off. He definitely didn’t want to find himself in Endrance’s room. Ever).

Staying somewhat close to the elevator - though it’d take talent to get lost in a huge field of nothing but flowers - he sat down, leaning back on one hand and scratching the back of his neck. But that was irritating, so he decided to lie down for a bit. Fake or whatever, the place felt warm and comfortable. It probably wouldn’t hurt to take a nap there or something, would it? He'd been missing out on sleep as it was.

What the hell. He could probably get away with it, right?

Just for a little while.

endrance, haseo

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