
Aug 25, 2009 21:48

Characters: Everyone who survived the bear fight.
Location: Carnival
Date: Right after this.
Rating: [PG-13]/[R]

[Erol's voice snaps out the moment the last bear is down.]

Everyone uninjured and able to fight, form up. We're wasting time. The rest of you, lick your wounds and get the hell out.

I want the scouts covering the ground "west" and "south" of here as of YESTERDAY. Report back if you find sign of the targets, do NOT engage without the rest of the group. And watch for the other bloody Carnival residents, do NOT forget we are not ALONE in here!

[He turns to Link and Midna.]

Can you pick up the trail again, or are we searching blind?

midna, gideon, erol, carnival, shayn, catpaw, sheik/zelda, remy whitecastle, tp!link, asad

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