Who: Cynder (
shadow_blast); [OPEN]
What: The little dragon decides to try and take a nap in the fresh air for once, but gets interrupted.
When: Around 8 - 9 p.m., backdated to the 16th, before baby event
Where: Top Deck
Rating/Warnings: G to PG for now, depends on who joins
The night air was cool and sweet, even though it still reeked of the surrounding sea. Cynder had gotten used to that a few days after appearing on the strange ship, and now it hardly bothered her at all.
As the small dragon trotted her way up the stairs to the top deck, claws clicking noisily against its hard surface, she could hardly believe her luck. There didn't seem to be another soul in sight. She had the deck to herself for once!
Cynder hopped, bounced and partially flew over to one of the higher-set areas, settling herself into a cozy little hole she had found weeks earlier, but had never had the chance to use. For a brief moment, she opened her delicate, pink wings and let the air rush through them once more... Then curled herself into a ball, wings and tail tucked around her dark body, to take a nap.
((ooc: Open log tiems! She's a semi-friendly dragon~))