An Unusual Trio

May 20, 2009 21:24

Characters: Milly (noble_wings), Richezza (purple_biker), Momotaros (perfect_butt) can join if they want to, [CLOSED]
Location: Deck 09, in the library
Date: May 20th, mid-morning (after Milly & Richie have their separate meetings with Momo)
Rating: PG for now

Milly wandered about the large library without a real destination in mind. She had yet to fully explore the deck, and all the different kinds of books intrigued her. Even though she had fallen asleep in some of her classes back in the School of Magic, she had always read her textbooks and the other literature the teachers had on hand. The long ride home to Alfard was often a quiet occasion.

There were novels of worlds below the sea, beasts with amazing abilities, and tales of handsome heroes and beautiful heroines. She even found one about the War of the Gods and the origin of the great Sky!

Giggling to herself like a little schoolgirl, Milly pulled a large book off of the polished shelf. It was by someone named 'Shakespeare', but that did not matter. She moved to a nearby couch and flopped down on it, only stopping to make sure that her clothes stayed in place.

richezza, closed, milliarde, momotaros

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