(no subject)

Jul 29, 2010 02:19

Characters: Meth Rezza [metharchy] and Bass [erhabenheit] (CLOSED)
Location: The temple on Deck 13
Date: Present-ish
Rating: PG-16 for Bass' terrible language and Meth's cruel streak.

There was something about destroying a building that could be viewed as a "holy place" that made the destructive act itself all the more pleasing. Then again, it really wasn't letting out the so-called adrenaline as well as it usually did. Whenever Bass was furious back home but had no orders to go hunt Megaman -and on the rare occasions that he listened to those orders- he'd usually find a nice church, synagogue, mosque, monastery, etc. and promptly wreak havoc on it. People seemed to take that sort of thing personally.

Didn't look like anybody gave a damn if he ruined this place, though.

He'd already cracked the alter, smashed up some of the flooring and toppled enough pillars to cave in a section of the ceiling (which had almost buried him, but the resulting damage had so been worth it). He'd even explored outside a bit to see what he could do; he came across his grave and had been tempted, just for a bit, to climb inside and forget about what made him so furious in the first place.

But Oleg had told him not to. So he didn't.

Instead he returned inside to tear the temple apart, brick by brick by old, crumbling brick. And heaven help whoever came in to try and stop him.

bass, meth rezza

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