(no subject)

Jul 19, 2010 22:49

Characters: Nabooru jewelofthesands , Danny shackledpuppy
Location: Deck 7 Forest
Date: Present
Rating: Let's go with PG or PG-13 for intimidation, kidnapping and possible injury to Nabs. xD


[Nabooru sits on a mossy log with her feet in the water, enjoying its chill in the unnatural humidity of the deck 3 forest. Her hair is down and she's keeping her hands occupied with folding it into dozens of thin, long braids.

Since her fight with Ganondorf, he's left her alone to a surprising degree. Maybe finally coming out and blaming him for their people's demise did it, or maybe her utter refusal to speak to him after being struck twice did it. She doesn't know, she doesn't care, and she'd be pretty happy if he never attempted to talk to her again.]

nabooru, danny the dog

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