One Pain Soothes Another

Jul 18, 2010 22:36

Who Erol and... whoever wanted to join him. [ OPEN]
Where Deck 04/Carnival
When 2-3 minutes after this
Rating PG16-R

[Erol's hand moves constantly as he waits at the Carnival doors, flipping a sharpened table knife over and over. He hasn't felt like this in a long time. It itches and it burns and it hurts under his skin. The only antidote he knows is to go as fast as he can and never stop, and it's twice as good if there's pain involved.

His or someone else's. It works the same way, for what he's after.

When 10 minutes have passed from the time of his post he's going in, back-up or no. If he dies? So what. It's not as though it will upset Razer anymore. Either he will come back or he won't.

That latter option? Well, he fails to have much of an issue with it at the moment.]

lily, erol, ridley, ripa, carnival, azula

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