May 29, 2005 20:54
i feel like i wasted a perfectly good day. i had so many plans, i was gonna clean my room so i'd feel less like a dirty little pig and more like a human. i started off the day right, woke up (with HORRIBLE chest pains, but i ignored that)...took my vitamins and Xango, then started attacking the mess. a few minutes later i was tossing my cookies.
needless to say, very little cleaning got done. i slept for most the day and just laid around for the rest of it. did very little homework. i get this horrible feeling of despair everytime i look at my math folder. its hard to want to do something that i hate so very much.
i guess tommorow the fam and i are spending the day at my aunts for a cook out, then later that night i'll probally hang out with scott. im willing to put all my money on my homework not getting done.
i think maybe i'll attempt a little more math and a little more cleaning. im feeling better, just kinda achey all over.
i told my mom how bad my sternums been hurting all day and she mentioned to me that that was the first symptom our friend joanna had. joanna passed away from lukemia this year. now, im sure i don't have freakin lukemia, but....
please don't tell me these things, it doesn't make me feel better.
" i guess it's better you trapped yourself in your own way "
<3...............Sarah Marie