The days have been oddly warm and wet, just enough to melt the snowmen

Mar 05, 2008 12:47

If ice cream is a girl's real boyfriend, chocolate-covered strawberries are a girl's real girlfriend. They're much sexier than ice cream anyway.

Thank you Adam Viking you made my night!!

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image Click to view

Inspired by Improv Everywhere:

image Click to view

Awesome. Awesome.

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In the past few weeks I have hung out with Liz and Audrey a whole lot. I'm really, really pleased with this. I feel much happier than previous semesters and consequently much more social. I attribute this, as I've stated, in large part to rooming with Nellie. Since we get along with the same people they can come over and hang out and it's not one roommate trying to ignore the actions of the other. All of us hang out.

It's also nice to get back into the habit of having really close girl friends again. I feel like I've been lacking since I started college, since all my high school girlyfriends either became far by distance or far my emotional separation. I'm glad that's started to turn around.

Also, Nellie and Liz and I had dinner with Lacina, our fourth for North next year. I think the four of us are going to be fabulous flatmates. Seriously.

If my love life stopped sucking, things would be pretty much perfect. Not saying it cuz I'm bitter... Just saying it cuz it's true.

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Nerdthings and artthings:

- I finished Nadarin's fucking character history. All six pages of it. I feel so damn good right now. Not only that, I also finished the ranger group description, which essentially turned into a treatise on ranger dogma. Also character blurbs. Goddamn I am amazing.

- Nadarin's costume is so very close to done, but I keep finding other little things to make. The only thing left to acquire is a pair of nice small bracers, but if my brig gives me full armour I might forgo the bracers and just use cloth arm wraps. Haven't decided. Also I might need a separate spell packet pouch. All my spell packets are green. A colour-coordinate. Fner.

- Last weekend I made a pretty white panel belt for dance, though looking at it now it seems a little thin. Which is unfortunate, because the one I need to finish this weekend has exactly the same dimensions. Oops. Also I need measurements to make someone a hood.

- Just realized two things: One, in taking Blacksmithing Irina can not only fix her own armour, but make her own arrows. Sexy. Two, backstabs aren't handed. So fuck profs, Nada will just have to always hit shit from behind.

- I want foofy huge bellydance skirts. Partly for dance... Mostly for Irina. I am forever in awe of my seesters down south. They perdy.

- Melodias: I needs them. No question. Damn money.

- I want to statue really, really badly. I've been reworking Melusine (my sea spirit) to expand the makeup; I didn't really like whiteface on her, but I liked the extra stuff. She'll probably end up going Miya-Kerrin blue (which also lets me wear her fin-ed ears and get extra use out of that cake) and have some crazy stuff around her eyes. I wish I could draw... Or that I had all the pieces with me so I could mess around. She needs a headpiece. Plans plans plans. When is it summer?

- In a similar vein, I miss dance performances. For all the ways my teacher last year frustrated me, it was nice to have monthly performances. I've got the Guild coffeehouse coming up at the end of this month, then... who knows. Grawr.

- Unmata's going to be at the Dragon's Egg... during the Caldaria opener! Fuuuuuuuuck!

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Summer financial goals:

- Caldaria events and Deadlands events

- A good pair of Melodias

- Dragon*Con airfare and confare

- Save some for London trip

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