Character death - which one did you like most?

Mar 07, 2010 00:28

So. We've been discussing character death to exhaustion since CoE aired. Was it good, was it horrible, was it necessary, was it satisfactory, and so on ( Read more... )

random question, coe, batendo as botas, celacanto provoca maremoto

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paragraphs March 7 2010, 02:11:23 UTC
Yeah, that is a good one. If one can call a death good.

I think I am more torn up when characters in books are killed off. Something about the written word and the investment and time--days and days sometimes--and having all that ripped away makes for screaming.

I was one who liked CoE for many reasons, and, I am one who was NOT emotionally invested in Torchwood. I came to it late, and LOL wailed more over Tosh. She was my focus character. But I have read books wherein a character I loved as much as people do Ianto were killed and even though in each instance I understood the author's choice, some changed me, or the way I looked at life.

The worst for me? Hands down the two beagles, Little Ann and Big Dan in Where the Red Fern Grows. Read it in fifth grade, I remember right where I was when I read it, and I have never cried so hard or so long for so many days...omg. I think that was my first comprehension with death.

I cried as hard for Scotty when I had to put him to sleep.

There was one book now that i think of it--Iron Lake--in which the main character's girlfriend was senselessly killed. Later we found out why, but I have NEVER been so angry with an author as then! WOW! SNARL GRRR STABBITY STAB! I got it, understood it, but LOL he caught soooo much flack for that...and then that book went on to win many awards.


electro_club March 7 2010, 02:35:43 UTC
Yeah, books tend to get you more involved. Well written books, anyway.

Have you read Harry Potter? I was thinking about Sirius' death, and how it 'cause a really huge wankstorm. He was a fandom favorite, too. Not mine, mind you. I never really cared that much about Sirius. But I didn't like the way he died either. I can't remember if he was trying to save someone the moment the spell hit him and then he fell through the weird arch and everything, but I thought it was too... dull, too bland, for such a character's death. He was very important, after all. And then we never got to find out what was it with the arch anyway, so. I got it that it was meant to show how serious things were, how difficult it was, and ruthless a battle really is - as in, people die, and it's not always for a good reason. A little bit like Ianto's death, I guess. But still, didn't convince me enough. And I didn't even like Sirius.

I think the worst death, to me, was probably Kutner's, on House. I get it that they didn't really have a choice, the actor decided to leave the show, and they didn't have time to work on a better plot. Pfft, Kutner is gone. But I really, really liked him. xD So I can't help but hate it. It didn't make any sense, after all.


paragraphs March 7 2010, 03:08:10 UTC
YEAH! On Sirius, and then the question was never answered as to why...and like a lot of people, I thought she had something up her sleeve.

And Kutner...I remember my daughter screaming OH MY GOSH NO OH WAAAAAIIITTT!!! We then learned why he wanted to leave the show but dang, did they have to do it like THAT?


electro_club March 7 2010, 03:20:36 UTC
Yeah, I thought JK had something planned, because it happened out of nowhere. Sirius was a major character in Harry's life, and even though I didn't like Harry, I really ached for him when his godfather died. I mean, poor kid. His life sucked most of the time, he grew up with no one to love him, never knew anyone who was sort of family who actually liked him, and then when he finally finds Sirius, the guy dies. Jesus.

My reaction was pretty much like your daughter's. xD I LOVED Kutner. Hated that he had to leave the show. It was for a good cause, yes, but still. And it wasn't cool. Kutner's character wasn't the kind who would commit suicide, and then he did, and they never really gave it an explanation. It was pretty much the 'It happens, move on' kind of thing. Bleh.


paragraphs March 7 2010, 03:32:01 UTC
I am not a consistent House follower, at least not linearly...we tivo it and I catch odd episodes here and there. But I caught that one and watched the next one or two to see what they did with it. House was bummed but life went on, it seemed.


electro_club March 7 2010, 04:45:57 UTC
House spent an entire episode trying to figure out what had happened with Kutner, what was it that he missed about the guy, something that could explain his suicide, because Kutner was really the last person you'd expect to kill himself. He had a sad background, but he seemed perfectly adjusted to his life, very successful, talked freely about his past and even mentioned in one episode that he could not imagine why a person would take her own life, considering his had been pretty sad at some point and the thought never even crossed his mind. And then wan.

But the conclusion of the episode was that there was no conclusion, and then they dropped it. It didn't make much sense to me. I understand they had to, 'cause they couldn't have the actor back for flashbacks or whatever. But still. I liked Kutner too much.


paragraphs March 7 2010, 13:05:03 UTC
Yeah... and we all know that though we sometimes never learn the answer to a person's decision to commit suicide (which breaks my heart, damn) I wish they could've figured something out. Why couldn't they just have sent him away? Or given him--this is what my daughter thought--a rare heart condition (like her dad had) that killed him unexpectedly? People DO drop dead, bam. Heart problems can go undetected. We found Kel's by sheer accident and were able to fix it (though a heart attack later and that damage is what got him 3 years later).

So yeah, Boo hiisssss on that decision. Suicide doesn't set me off, but having someone I care about who has dealt with it? I just wish other choices had been made.

But then, it IS just a television show... (lol smack me!)


electro_club March 7 2010, 15:38:22 UTC
OMG, I'LL SMACK YA! Ok, no. But yeah. xD Sometimes television just gets to us in unexpected ways. I think that's pretty awesome. Kutner's didn't get to me that much, although I did love the character and was sort of expected for the moment when they'd start developing his story, since they had done it with Talb and Thirteen already. But he just died in a very weird way and that was it. I wish at least they had had to deal with his death for a while longer, but I figured that the reason House got all fucked up was more Amber than Kutner because they couldn't get Kutner's ghost walking around. But anyway.

Now Life on Mars... xD I should've taped the face I made when the episode ended.


paragraphs March 7 2010, 15:41:03 UTC
LOL!! I watched LoM so I know what you mean. :)


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