Nov 22, 2005 14:46
alright so i'm trying out this whole "livejournal" thing. we'll see how it goes. i'm pretty addicted to Xanga at the moment...but a few people have told me i will LOVE livejournal. we'll see.
i'm enjoying the Thanksgiving Break. my brother comes home today. i'm thinking about talking to him about things. we haven't had a very stable relationship in many years. i kind of feel like i don't know anything about him. &&he doesn't want to know things about me. but seeing as i haven't had a "serious" conversation with him in years i have no idea how he truly feels about everything. i probably won't get enough guts to actually talk to him about everything, but it's a nice thought.
i had a crazy dream last night. it was one of those dreams that even though you know it is fake it seems so real. basically it was my life just without the people i care the most about. it was awkward. i went through my day without my best friends, &&i felt lost. i dont really understand the point of it. maybe it was to show me how thankful i am for the people around me. who knows??
i'm trying to become more involved in my church youth group again. it's hard though. especially with Colleen&&Brian gone. most of the people there are younger then me, but i know i need to stay active in my relationship with God. &&this youth group is one of the few places i feel "accepted".
the best part about this break is the brief pause of drama. yes it will still be there when i return to "drama school", but for now it is nice to sit at home &¬ worry about who is talking about me, or who said what, or did what. it is nice. &&i am enjoying it.
///trust in him and he will do this:He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn///
\\\Psalm 37:5,6