Aug 12, 2005 19:15
whoa. i like going to diners at night and running red lights.
Jun 09, 2005 21:16
It been about 2 minutes since my last entry and i have decided this is going to be my last.
((I will probably be a hypocrit and come back eventually, but as of now that is not in the plans..))
Thanks for viewing.
"So long and good night"
Jun 09, 2005 21:10
hahahaha i wish there was someone i could actually talk to.
hmm thats cool.
Jun 03, 2005 20:40
im at shawns house, he is jealous of my sexual encounters with famous people. as he should be.
oh yea YOU should be too!
Apr 16, 2005 20:49
MmmBop bla bla bla MmmBop bla bla blaaa MmmBop yeaa ooooh yeaaah
dont ask, cause i dont know why i just did that.
Feb 28, 2005 22:03
Gerard Way = Sex <-- lots and lots and lots of it!
2/26 Taste of Choas : Absolutely Amazing.
ooo yea and Brett the super hott band member of A Static Lullaby totally kissed me. Be Jealous, he even had a lip ring.
Jan 26, 2005 17:35
Exactly one month till TASTE OF CHAOS.
school sucks.
finals sucks.
having a million things to do at once sucks.
^ this is me sucking at life.
so everyone have a good day! :)
mucho amor <3
Jan 11, 2005 22:18
i need helpppp!! how do i change my live journal icon picture?!?! someone come over and help me. pretty please.
ok thank you much!