i can't even believe it's over already and that we're back in mass. and we even came back a day later than we originally planned to. we left last tuesday night, and had a quick awesome drive thanks to husband. we do it at night with the boy, leaving after dinner and pjs so he falls asleep quickly and sleeps the whole way. makes for a tired night for poor chris, but i get up in the morning with alex and he sleeps till he needs to. it really feels like we lose a lot less time that way.
wednesday we went to get pictures taken with the boys with santa. always an adventure. last year they let us sit them on our laps. this year, well.... they 'let' us do that, but man. not well. :P oh no -- i just inserted the cd, i should have done this earlier. says it's empty :( maybe husband can find something, but i don't think so. dammit. i should have checked it when we got home. booo. wednesday night we went to see avatar. i could do a whole separate post on how much i enjoyed that movie. sure it had faults, but i can't really remember them a few days out. we saw it in 3d, totally worth it to me, as well as the 2am home arrival time. youch long movie. :P
hung out a lot with the family, and went to my sister's husband's parents house on christmas eve. alex was very well behaved, and watching him playing with the other kids really was hysterical. he's a funny kid, that's for sure. even if occasionally ill-behaved. but arn't all kids sometimes? we sure hope so. we really try not to be those parents with the wild undisciplined kid ;P i think we generally succeed. most of the time. christmas was wonderful - alex has so many toys we are thinking of opening a toy store. i got some awesome things from all, including a gift certificate to the cooking school at the mall - i've taken a class there before and it was so much fun, so i can't wait to do it again (and maybe two, it was generous!) alex even wore a sweater that was chris' from when he was little - it (almost) fit :P
we stayed an extra day to see my aunts and cousins, and alex just loved to play with them. i never take enough pictures, but we took a decent amount and have more still to upload. here's the link to all pictures and video for those interested:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/turnerhq/sets/72157623069577990/ i hope you all had a very merry christmas, a happy whatever else you might celebrate, and a happy and safe new year that's better than the last!