at least that's what my ultrasound says. :P i am notoriously terrible at keeping my own secrets, and even worse when i try to lie to cover them, so i decided on radio silence. to many, apparently, this was quite telling. and my plan was to post about anything and everything but, but really - i found that most of the time i was crazed over OMGWTFBBQ that i could not really post about anything else.
so, to confirm what you may or may not already think,
megachrisgt and i are expecting a baby, sometime around march 15, 2008. the first iui was a rousing success, even though there have been some small road bumps along the way. we had our 12 week ultrasound on tuesday, saw two arms, two legs, a heartbeat and a face which looked both cute and like an alien all at the same time. :P i'll be 13 weeks on saturday.
i'll have to write it all down sometime, since i didn't even think to do private entries to unlock later until most of the stuff on my mind was long past. but i've had scary beginnings where they weren't sure it was going to take, lots of paranoia, and a slew of other experiences that are normal both for any pregnant woman, and for one that went through some infertility struggles.
i'm still somewhat scared about the future of this baby, even with no reason to be. but that's slowly fading with each time we hear the heartbeat (this morning, I never get sick of hearing it) or see an ultrasound. they're like building blocks of confidence that maybe, just maybe, i get to bring home a baby of my very own someday.
i'm happy though, even though that last sentence almost makes it sound like i'm not. i'm very happy. i'm also very sleepy. :P more on that later when i post about dragon*con, or as i called it, sleepy*con07. :P
ultrasound pictures can be found
here, but for those who want the best one without having to make with all the clicky, you can peek under the cut :)