that's today - i still don't know when exactly my night ended, because i crashed out - i think on the swing on my in-laws back porch, but i don't remember waking up and going to the real bed, which is where i woke up. i suspect i'll have to wait for chris to wake up to get that part of the story :P i do know that they went back to lighting more fireworks after the epic display they put on for the party guests. and when i say epic,i mean there is a trashcan + more full of discarded materials, and that doesn't include the exploded stuff we've yet to pick up from the backyard :P
it's raining right now, which doesn't do too much for the humidity in memphis, but makes for a slightly cooler morning - it's nice to be back here with the sound of the rain hitting the house and the pond, coupled with the fountain. sitting here has my thoughts flowing - i need an
armor/costume carrier for D*C, a new faire costume for this season (i think my black bodice may be too big now, and that would leave me with just my pendragon, too warm for me in the beginning of the season, etc), pattern for the mustfar padme costume, etc. thinking of what my post-D*C costumes will be, now that i'm on a roll. :P
the mush is going great, i'm really happy with it's progress. doesn't hurt that we've attracted a stellar staff & player base. we've got some really cool things - both code and tp - coming up soon too.
it's been interesting keeping up with the diet (trying!) and being here. thank goodness for flex points, although i'm out already for this week :P the tattoo is fully in the itchy stages, but it's not so bad since i can't see it - out of sight out of mind seems to work with this ;P
now the man and the dog are up, so i'll stop for now.