Well, I have a class titled "Math for Teachers". I had no idea what to expect but I knew it wasn't going to be easy. I still have yet to see the book because it has to be ordered but she gave us some homework problems and it isn't 4=4=8 or x+1=5 but rather something that looks like this:
Solve the following cryptarithm, by substituting each letter with a numeral:
+ F U N
Amongst other things that can be found at
Logicville This stuff does not come easy to me. In fact, I think it may be harder than a regular math class. I wanted to know why I had such problems and so I was tested for a few LDs. Lo and behold, I have dyscalculia which as defined by dictionary.com means an impairment of the ability to solve mathematical problems, usually resulting from brain dysfunction. So, my brain is dysfunctional, that's just fucking fantastic! What if I don't have the ability to do math? How the hell will I graduate? I'm worried...