Rude Awakening

Aug 24, 2006 08:26

I just woke up from a terrible dream. In my dream I had a device that was magnetic and I put it on top of what looked like a scale but it had an electric charge to it and it shocked me. It wasn't just a little shock but rather my heart started hurting, my chest was heavy and I could barely breathe. I told my brother to call 911 because I knew I was having a heart attack from what I just did and I was trying to tell my somewhat deaf grandmother to tell everyone I cared for that I love them dearly because I knew I was going to die within the next few seconds. The last thought that ran through my mind was that I was too young to die and my life has just begun. I didn't want to leave Ben and then I woke up. My heart was pounding and hurt somewhat too. What a nightmare! How can a dream cause your heart to ache? When I woke up, I thought I was still having a heart attack. Thankfully it was just a dream.
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