(no subject)

Aug 22, 2009 01:24

SO. Tonight is another rough night at work. But I don't want to bitch about work! So here's just some stuff on my mind.

♦ My nightmares have been getting creative. This morning I actually got to sleep pretty early, but was up after an hour because of this nightmare where sharp shit kept growing out of my fingernails. Like up, poking through the middle of the fingernail and just growing. Whenever I'd pull the mess that was growing out and throw it way, worse shit would grow out of the next nail. And I was at school, but a different school? Like a higher-end university. Class took place in a swank theatre auditorium. And our first day's assignment was to watch Ferris Bueller's Day Off and write a sixteen-page essay on how it related to a canon of ancient Greek works. But I didn't finish mine, because I passed out in the hallway, because my fingernails were sprouting thorns and white-hot pain was shooting through my body. This is one of the easiest, less horrible nightmares I've had lately, but it still had me forcing myself awake to lie there in bed and go, "wtf, no more sleep for me."
♦ Have you guys been watching Dollhouse? Because you should seriously watch Dollhouse. It is excellent. Yes, I know, the first few episodes are kind of weak, a little gimmicky. But once it hits its groove, oh my god you guys. Go get the DVDs. So effing good.
♦ Fuck lobster.*
♦ Did you guys see District 9? Goddamn, how good was District 9? Like the only good movie that came out this summer. I SAID IT.
♦ So hey. Let's say you had a close friend for a while, and then you have a big fight and they're like "FRIENDSHIP ANNULLED" and they're gone. Months later, you really think about it, and you realize that person wasn't actually that great. They were kind of jerk-asses, but at the time the good overwhelmed the bad so even when you noticed, you just didn't care. You don't wish them ill, you just are actually kind of glad they're out of your life. Is this bitterness? Or is there any chance that this is just absence making the heart grow closer to the realization that said friend was actually a pretty bad douche?**
♦ Writing is way hard lately. I feel clogged up, I have all this shit I want to write but none of it is coming out. Writer's constipation. Wait. Ew. Forget I said that.
♦ And that's it, I guess. How are you guys doing?

*That is not an order.
** Just a note, because yeah, it's obvious that I'm talking from experience: no, none of my now-former friends had this LJ's address. I had given it to them once or twice but they didn't care or ever read it. I'm not being a passive aggressive dickwad, I just want your thoughts on the subject.

i suck at this, lists are fun! and fundamental!, actual vent piles

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