Seeing with the Mind's Eye: The History, Techniques, and Uses of Visualization (1975)
by Mike Samuels and Nancy Samuels
331 pages - Random House
This is a book that covers visualization both in very general terms, discussing its history and theory, as well as getting down to specific recommendations and suggestions as to how it can play a role in your life. There are lots of illustrations, including many works of art. Not only is that a visual delight, but I think it's a great example of how the authors present visualization in the context of the history of humanity and each living person's place in creation.
A really good book if you're interested in the role visualization plays in art, religion, modern psychology, or various areas of modern life. It also presented a visualization/hypnosis technique that has really done wonders in the short time I've been exploring using it. This was a library book, and I'll definitely need to hunt down a used copy for myself (it's currently out of print). I'm always fascinated by how personally important books get to cross a person's path, and I'm amused that I actually heard of this book in, of all places,
Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television.