To quote my grandparents' parrot when he once fell into the pool accidentally... "WHAT'S THIS?!"
I was looking online at apartment listings on Tuesday, exactly 2.5 days ago, and there were several that I wanted to call. But, as I had other pressing things to do (i.e. watch Lost and eat Thai leftovers) I figured I'd wait 'til Friday to call and ask questions and maybe schedule times to go look at them. Sometimes procrastination leads me to very good things, but this is not one of those times. I just went to look again at the places I wanted to call tomorrow, and the Reformer has totally changed their classifieds. They're now like...using some other service to do it, and it shows the classifieds from tons of papers all over the country- why would I need to see classifieds from California? (Hint: I wouldn't. Ever. Well, maybe not ever, but if I did, I would not try to find them through a newspaper in Southeastern Vermont.) So now the closest apartment listing is 27 miles away and there are a huundred useless pages, instead of before when there were five pages and the first two of them actually were rather useful. I just wrote the Reformer classified a strongly worded email. Hopefully they will take my advice and stop being stupid and unhelpful. Then I can stop using words like "bia." (This may be the first time I have ever used the word. Maybe it's 'cause I facebook commented to Brandon a few hours ago.)
Also, earlier today when Bob's family was over and I was avoiding them by being in the kitchen and stirring things on the stove whether they needed stirring or not, my mother came up behind me- holding a glass of wine- and said, "If you want some, you could put it in one of the blue cups and nobody would know." She's funny. I remember once when I was about 14 and we had just gone out to dinner with them, she said to me "I can't wait until you're old enough to drink. It's going to make going out to dinner with Bob's family so much better for you." Or something along those lines.
Also, I think I am a bad friend. And sometimes a bad person. Maybe I'll try to work on the bad friend thing. (Maybe.)
ALSO- I can't stop sneezing! Go away, Sick! I don't want you! In fact, I can't have you. You must wait until mid December, after whenever it is that I take my finals. As much as I don't particularly want to be sick over winter break, I simply cannot be sick and write a couple of research papers (oh yeah and read bunches of stuff for them) and do some group project that I don't even really know what I'm supposed to be doing for and take a couple of finals and read all my stuff for classes and like go to them and have auditions for the Vagina Monologues and do other stuff AND BE SICK.
P.S. In case you do not know Charlie, and therefore didn't go to this and get amazingly HUNGRY AND JEALOUS when he posted it, here is a link to our
food porn blog. (The apple strudel page has perhaps the least appealing photo, but my favorite commentary.)