Nov 13, 2006 18:07
I am surprised and a little bit annoyed to see an announcement for auditions for the Vagina Monologues in the Town Crier today. (edit: Oh, and in bathroom stalls.) Chlirissa sent me an email on Saturday morning (which of course I didn't see until today) saying that her friend Alyssa is interested in helping out with the more theatrical aspects of the show, and then today, bam! there are announcements for auditions this Thursday. I would have preferred to 1. know that we were announcing auditions before they were actually announced. 2. actually have permission from the organization to perform the play before announcing auditions. 3. announce auditions with at least a week's notice. 4. have script selections chosen and available for distribution; have the availability of these selections announced along with the date/time/place- why would you announce auditions but not say what people should actually prepare FOR those auditions?
Also, I wish it would stop raining and just snow already. That little bit of snow we had a few weekends ago was nice, but not enough. ( <- metaphor for my life?)